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I am enthusiastic to share my 20 years of experience and skills with you in hopes to facilitate the healing of your physical and emotional bodies.


I am trained and certified in Cranio Sacral Therapy from the Upledger Institute. I pair this powerful approach to bodywork with Distance Healing from the Core (which can also be practiced in person).


My Approach

We all carry suffering and we present it in different ways; brain fog, chronic depletion, headaches; The key is to release the suffering.


I see you. I see your beauty. I see your pain, the stuck areas, numb areas, the places that must be released in order to be your best self.


I greet the divine light in each of you and facilitate the healing of whatever shows up in your body on that day.


Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral Therapy is a non-intrusive form of body work that affects the Cranio Sacral System and works closely with the central nervous system using gentle touch and traction. By releasing bone and tissue restrictions in teh body, this therapy relieves pain and dysfunction while also calming the entire nervouse system and creating space and balance for all of your body systems.

Distance Healing from the Core

Have you ever noticed when making a decision or meeting someone new, or in a certain situation, that your gut tightens, your back spasms or that you have some other response from your body? Did you ever notice that those decisions, meetings, situations, don't go as planned?

Your body knows what are the best decisions for you. Most of us just don't know how to access this information. Through this self-embodiment modality, you will learn how your body uniquely communicates with you through sensation and how to work with the body's wisdom to gain optimum results for your health and life adventures! 


Cranio Sacral Therapy + Distance Healing from the Core

These modalities will help you become aware of how your body communicates with you; how you can make the best decisions for your health and your life when you and your body are working together as a team!


(617) 312-1569    |

222 Wellness Community Center

222 Eastern Avenue, Gloucester MA 01930


Charles River Chiropractic

717 Washington Street (#1), Newton MA 02458

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